May 2024
Case Discussions (Grand Rounds)
- Rheanna Burnham- Interesting case of Subpontic Osseous Hyperplasia
- Jeff Henneberg- Management of a poorly executed AOX (done elsewhere)
- Katie Martin- Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Follow-up from previous cases (Updated images in case presentation page)
- John Turner- Implant placement with sinus lift from Sep. (Successful #3, Failed #4)
- John Turner- Immediate implant #8
- Logan Hazard- Free Gingival Graft (Mentor Surgery)
- Pete Holmes- Lateral wall sinus lift with implant placement
- Tom Smart- Free gingival graft
- Kirk Davidson- Removal of implant and placement of new one
- Shaun Whitney- Non Surgical Periodontal Therapy.
- ***This presentation serves two purposes. One, is to discuss perio therapy. A more important purposes is to demonstrate what is expected out of a literature review. In the future, members of the study club who are asked to do lit reviews should follow this format.
- Shaun Whitney- End of year review
- Pete Holmes- Zero Bone Loss (Need to get presentation from Pete)
- Fishing trip has been canceled due to disinterest
- Dates have been set for study club next year, as follows:
- September 20th/21st === ZimVie bringing in biologics so look for cases needing grafting, Victoria Hardwick member presentation
- November 8th/9th === member/lab presentation from Sean Thorpe (This may change due to Pat Allen course)
- January 24th/25th === Kirk Davidson member presentation
- March 14th/15th === Kory Wilson member presentation
- May 2nd/3rd === Jeff Hood member presentation, to be held at Bryce Duskin's office in Arlington (hotels and planning in the works)
- Discussion of the use of study club funds to subsidize CE obtained outside of the regularly scheduled meetings as long as these meetings constituted an organized study club event. Motion passed "to have $25,000 of annual dues go to CE for 2024-25, agreeable by the membership and divisible by the numbers that attend."
- Possibilities for next year include Pat Allen and Implant Direct
- Decided NOT to use funds at this time to purchase any new supplies or equipment for the club. Discussed having a check-out system for members who want to use club equipment at their private offices, but nothing was ever organized in this regard.
- Brief discussion regarding the addition of members/associates. Nothing was changed, but it was acknowledged that we do have room for a few more.
- Motion passed for Dr. Bryce Duskin to formally be considered a "Member Mentor" for the study club.
- We may change the format of study club to include one or more "Lit Reviews" assigned to various members by the club mentor. This was mentioned informally, but it is good to make a mental note. A good example of what would be expected is in Shaun's presentation on NSPT which is linked above.
March 2024
Case Discussions (Grand Rounds)
- Rob Hardwick- Good discussion of replacement options for malpositioned tooth
- Patrick Loftus- Discussion of sinus lift complications. This case was also discussed during the member presentation at this meeting.
- Kirk Davidson- Oral Pathology of gingival inflamation
- Jason Han- Patient with idiopathic pain and a complicated dental history
- Pete Holmes- Implant restorations on anterior teeth
- Jeff Hood- Management of draining fistula
- Jeff Hood- Cosmetic management of a gummy smile
- Bryce Duskin- Congenitally missing lateral incisors. Ortho, tunnel ct graft, guided implants in a tight space
- Follow-up from previous cases (Updated images in case presentation page)
- Tom Smart- Tori Removal
- John Turner- Free Gingival Graft
- Free Gingival Graft- Shaun Whitney (Mentor Demo Surgery)
- Guided implant placement #7 (Bryce Duskin)
- Immediate implant placement #8 (John Turner)
- Mentor Assigned Reading was discussed
- Avoiding Complications with Lateral Wall Sinus Lifts (Kirk Davidson)
- Fishing trip possible in November. Nov 15-17 most likely. Todd to coordinate. (Email sent one week after this discussion)
- Next meeting will be at KC's office. 1332 W Kathleen Ave, Coeur d'Alene
- Saturday night of next meeting we will do dinner at Honey at 5:30. Blaine will coordinate event.
- Possible Vegas trip with Implant Direct next Spring. Implant Direct Rep. will be invited to September meeting to discuss.
- Lunch was provided by Zimmer Biologics where they discussed their new membrane
- Neodent will present at the next meeting
- Discussed adding to the armamentarium of study club equipment, including a crestal sinus lift kit and a metal mallet. No decisions were made regarding this- we just discussed it.
- Dates for next year will be decided at May meeting
January 2024
Case Discussions (Grand Rounds)
- George Loftus- Endodontic management of open apex done in 2018 via MTA apexification. Maybe some resorption. Discussion of dental materials, including bioceramic putty that is used more commonly today.
- Patrick Loftus- Discussion of implant bridges
- Follow up from previous cases (Updated images in case presentation page)
- Patrick Loftus- Connective Tissue Graft (Shaun Whitney Demo Surgery)
- Patrick Loftus- Lateral wall sinus lift
- Todd House- Immediate implant #5, GTR #11
- Pete Holms- Anterior dental trauma case
- Management of root resorption (Shaun Whitney-Demo Surgery)
- Connective tissue allograft (George Loftus)
- Mandibular tori removal (Tom Smart)
- Free gingival graft (John Turner)
- Removal of implant and graft (Katie Martin)
- Lateral wall sinus lift and three implants (Todd House)
- Stem Cell Therapy (Jeff Hood)
- Mentor Assigned Reading (Was assigned, but not discussed at this meeting)
- Brief discussion of venue for end-of-year party. Will be discussed more at next meeting.
- Lunches for this meeting were sponsored by Zimvie and Implant Direct
November 2023
Case Discussions (Grand Rounds)
- KC McVey- Presented a number of cases that could be possible candidates for MOCA/Vista grafting technique. We discussed this technique in some detail last September.
- Along with these cases, we had some discussion about treatment planning and the rationale for gingival grafting. Indications include tooth sensitivity, esthetics, lack of functional tissue, and lack of ability to clean.
- Pete Holmes- Several cases
- Management of dental trauma after a fall and loss of front teeth
- Restorative management of a patient with failed orthodontics (canted smile)
- Lower veneers causing gingival impingement in embrasure space
- Patient with possible allergy to zirconia
- Discussion of predictability in managing minor recession in entire quadrant
- Jeff Henneburg- FMR management for patient with strong gag reflex
- Follow up from previous cases (Updated images in case presentation page)
- Two Connective Tissue Grafts (Shaun Whitney- Demo Surgery)
- Lateral Wall Sinus Lift (Patrick Loftus)
- Connective Tissue Graft (Tom Smart)
- Immediate implant #5, implant #13 (Kirk Davidson)
- Immediate implant #5, GTR #11 (Todd House)
- Biological reshaping of roots for restorative success (KC McVey)
- Much of the presentation was a video from a Strupp/Brumm seminar. Some of the tecniques used can be seen in these attached links:
- Video and discussion of tissue grafting (Shaun Whitney)
- Neodent is not currently able to sponsor the study club. Other sponsors will be sought.
- Gavin mentioned that the AGD is requesting formal paperwork for continued accreditation of the study club. This includes meeting planning, minutes from meetings, and club officers. We already have all of this in place, but we may need to make it more official in the future. This may be addressed in future meetings.
- George will not be available to host the club on May 3-4. Meetings on these dates will take place at KC/Dr. Whitney's building.
- Due to increased use of video during these meetings, the club voted to procure better sound equipment. Logan will arrange for this and have it at the next club meeting.
September 2023
Case Discussions (Grand Rounds)
- Todd House- Ailing Implant Bridge
- Patrick Loftus- Gingival Recession. Possible split mouth study.
- Follow up from previous cases (updated images in case presentation page)
- Free Gingival Graft (Shaun Whitney- Demo Surgery)
- Pedicle Graft #3 (Kirk Davidson)
- Vertical sinus lift with implant placement (John Turner)
- Vertical sinus lift with implant placement (Bryce Duskin)
- Free Gingival Graft (Tom Smart)
- Ageing of Implants and Super Osseointegration (John Turner)
- Mentor presentation was video and discussion regarding "MOCA" graft technique
- Blaine was elected the new president of the study club
- Gavin has updated all the CE. Thank You!
- If needed, please follow-up with Jeff Henneburg regarding dues for this year (still $3000) or travel reimbursement for last year's Zimvie course.
- Member presentations were assigned for the rest of the year. Check the current schedule if you need a reminder.