Dr. Rob Hardwick- Replacement of malpositioned tooth
Clinical history: Healthy 56yo wants tooth #13 removed due to constant irritation from food impaction. Recent large BU on 14, and a long-standing inlay/cantilever FPD from 12-11, with a rest on 10.
Options: Docs in IEPSC were split, essentially three ways, over which option would be best for replacement. It was also noted, in passing, that this patient potentially has airway issues that could be discovered/addressed.
Do nothing/leave a space: Resolves CC, doesn't change anything cosmetically. Leaves room for other options should the need arise.
Restorative: #14 and #12 need crowns already. Could do a FPD 14-12, with cantilever on 11. Could restoratively manage cosmetics of collapsed space. Cantilever on 11 seems a little sketchy, but it already has years of clinical success which might help predict a favorable outcome.
Implant #13: Would need more M-D space, which could be managed either restoratively when crowns are done on adjacent teeth, or could be managed orthodontically prior to restoration. Due to malpositioning of teeth, we actually have a lot of buccal bone to work with here.
Options: Docs in IEPSC were split, essentially three ways, over which option would be best for replacement. It was also noted, in passing, that this patient potentially has airway issues that could be discovered/addressed.
Do nothing/leave a space: Resolves CC, doesn't change anything cosmetically. Leaves room for other options should the need arise.
Restorative: #14 and #12 need crowns already. Could do a FPD 14-12, with cantilever on 11. Could restoratively manage cosmetics of collapsed space. Cantilever on 11 seems a little sketchy, but it already has years of clinical success which might help predict a favorable outcome.
Implant #13: Would need more M-D space, which could be managed either restoratively when crowns are done on adjacent teeth, or could be managed orthodontically prior to restoration. Due to malpositioning of teeth, we actually have a lot of buccal bone to work with here.