Clinical Photo Sequence
Day of surgery:
- Pre-surgery, if not taken previously
- Occlusal, buccal, lingual views
- Photo of models, stents, wax-ups, etc.
- Incision design/outline
- Reflected flap
- Wash and clean area
- Surgical site before osseous work
- Donor site
- Pre-incision
- Incision design
- After donor harvested
- Surgical site after osseous work
- Implant site with drill or guide pin in place
- Graft placed/Implant placed
- Graft covered/Implant covered
- Sutures in place
- Materials placed - photo of containers showing brand name, lot numbers, sizes, etc
- Immediately before suture removal
- Immediately after suture removal
- Two weeks after suture removal
- Two months post-op
- Immediately before study club presentation of follow-up
- Any complications or unusual findings
Tips for good intraoral photos:
- Have patient's head against headrest
- Use retractors
- Try to have the photo as seen if perpendicular to the area being photographed
- Use mirrors for buccal, lingual, and occlusal views
- Have assistant dry teeth with air, or suction off fluids
- Have assistant blow air on mirror to keep it fog-free
- Keep your Camera Settings correct